Arabic Level 1 Registration Form

Please CAREFULLY read the below information!!

Bismillahi wa salatu wa salamu ala rasoolilaahi

Start your Arabic Journey today!

* All Classes are IN PERSON at East London (Ilford) with qualified teachers.

* Male teachers for males

We will go through the Classical Egyptian curriculum which is book 1 & 2 of Al-Arabiyyah Bayna Yadaika

Learning Arabic is the key to understanding the Kitaab and the Sunnah

The minimum requirement for this level is that you are able to read the Arabic letters on a basic level by way of having completed the foundational level (Qaaida level) of reading the Arabic letters.

If this suites you, then please fill in the details carefully, and upon completion we will contact you إن شاء الله

Spaces are subject to availability, so hurry! And sign up today

May Allah enlighten us all with his book and sunnah

بارك الله فيكم

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